Pump Selector Program
Good news! The brand new Pump Selector Program has been launched for 2013. This new program provides you real-world sizing and selecting support for a variety of the most popular pumps from across CIRCOR product line and using the project saving feature allows direct connection to the CIRCOR sales and engineering offices.
This selector program improves upon the outdated WIPS program that many of you have used in the past by accommodating not just Imo pumps but also product from across the CIRCOR portfolio. Further, unlike WIPS, this selector program is web-based and live so that it is always completely up-to-date and as you can see below, uses a pictorial interface to show pump configurations. The program also allows for application filters as well as new sorting features.
To use this program, you must first become a registered user. To register, please click HERE. After you have completed a simple form, our program administrators will set your permissions and e-mail you with your individual user information.
Once you are registered, simply go to this web address, https://cfx-selector.com (please book mark this in your favorites), type in your email and password. Once you are logged in, you can change your password at any time. If you have forgotten your password, you can request it be sent to your e-mail address from the log on screen as well.
“My new Colfax Fluid handling Selector Program is working beautifully.”
Manuel Giminez
“The new Colfax Fluid Handling Selector Program is a very intuitive and versatile program that more than meets our needs. The ability to input multiple operating conditions and filter through pump types made finding the right size pump a breeze. It didn’t take long to get the information I needed, and the help file answered any questions I had. It will be a great tool to have.”
Jordan Martin
Product Engineer, FS-Elliott Co., LLC
If you have questions or would like to suggest an improvement, please send an e-mail to cfx-selector-admin@circor.com
We believe that you will find this tool to be very helpful in finding a solution for your specific applications.
Bret Simoneaux
Chief Project Engineer
Jim Davis
Product Specialist
Selector Administration Team